Sparkleberry Press – UP Outdoors

Feb 12, 2025

“To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of life.” – James Thurber

I am passionate about the environment and ecosystems at Gravatt. Every year we gain new understanding and new knowledge that broadens our view of our place in the pines. Over the past year and a half we at Gravatt have been planning, crafting, and creating a new opportunity for students around the state to come and experience and learn at Camp Gravatt. I am proud to say that we have launched the Upland Pine Outdoor and Adventure Center.

This program is designed to inspire curiosity, to get the youth outside, and to learn something new and exciting. Offering new environmental educational opportunities for students of all ages and combining our existing ropes course and classic summer camp activities to provide an excellent educational experience. Our curriculum is written to meet the South Carolina state educational standards and are easily modified for varying grade levels.

I invite you to tell your principals, your students, your teachers! Spread the word! For 75 years Gravatt has been a home away from home for many children around the state, now we welcome you to return during your school year “to draw closer” and “to find each other.” We are excited to host your class under the pines and in our bogs.

Evan Mikula, Director of Programming

UP Outdoors at Gravatt