Sparkleberry Press – Gravatt Interns

Mar 13, 2025

Hello all! It’s us, the Gravatt interns. We are happy to get the opportunity this month to let everyone know what we’re up to! On our side of the lake we start everyday with one very serious, strict and nonnegotiable task…. Feeding the goats! That’s right, Every day we wake up, brush our teeth, and head over to the Hadden Goat pen to feed our very fluffy and fantastic four legged friends. 

We are lucky to get to start each day this way, but we are also blessed to get to interact with all of the lovely groups that come to Gravatt to experience all that we have to offer! We enjoy getting to meet wonderful folks from all over the state and sometimes, the country! From listening to stories by the fire to making sure everyone’s drinks stay cold, we get the pleasure of getting to provide a clean and orderly space for guests to retreat, unwind, and embrace their community. 

On top of what we are able to facilitate and provide for our guests, as the interns we do our part to help out the other departments here at Gravatt Camp and Conference center. From getting to spend time with Evan learning how to identify rare plants in our ecosystem, to assisting with events like the recent Oyster Roast or the Upcoming Under the Tent. Some days are spent sorting through old photos and reflecting whereas others are spent with Fletcher upgrading amenities like soap dispensers (it may seem small but jaws were certainly dropped). We wear many hats as the interns, or the “Hospitality Crew” as we are sometimes referred to. But we wouldn’t have it any other way! Being an intern at Gravatt is a once in a lifetime experience. Summer Camp is wonderful, but rest assured Gravatt is Heaven on Earth, year round!

Gravatt Interns