Become a Sponsor!
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Since 1949, Gravatt’s mission and ministries have been supported by the generosity of donors and sponsors. Your sponsorship will support special projects at Gravatt and will make a difference in the lives of the children and young people through the Mac Westmoreland Scholarship Fund. By supporting as a sponsor adults, families, and all who come to Gravatt for retreat, relaxation, and recovery benefit also. With five levels of sponsorship, we welcome you to join us at any level.

Please consider supporting Under the Tent through a sponsorship. You or your business can make such a difference in this very special ministry. If you have any questions, they may be directed to

Faith-based camp is an experience that should be readily available for all children. It is our philosophy that no child should miss out on the Gravatt experience due to financial reasons. Each year, through the Mac Westmoreland Scholarship Fund and the generosity of many, we make sure all children are able to experience summer camp at Camp Gravatt.

All proceeds from Under the Tent will go to the Mac Westmoreland Fund sending children to camp.

If you feel moved or are unable to join us at Under the Tent this year please consider giving to the Mac Westmoreland Fund ensuring all children make camp memories for a lifetime.

Is there a better gift to give?

 Check out the details below, and click “Become a Sponsor” to complete the process online*.

*If you or your business prefer to pay via check and need an invoice please reach out to Wendi Spratt.

Become a sponsor for Under the Tent 2025!