Our packing list is intended to be a general list of items that will enhance your camper’s stay. Some campers bring additional items, but please ensure that your camper does not bring any prohibited items. Campers should bring enough changes of clothing to last them for the length of their session, and we recommend packing a few extra essential clothing items (underwear, socks, etc.) should the need arise during the session.
We ask that all items be labeled with your camper’s first and last name if possible. Initials are also acceptable, but the more information you can provide on your items, the more likely it is we can return them to your camper if/when they get misplaced. Most campers pack their items in a trunk, and we strongly suggest this as a preferred method of packing. Some campers bring a set of plastic drawers to store items next to their bed (books, flashlight, etc.) and to use as a bedside table.
Needed Items:
- Fitted and Flat Twin Sheets
- Pillow and Pillowcase
- Sleeping Bag and/or Blanket (some campers prefer one or the other, but keep in mind that it is warm at night, but it can also be cool as well from time to time)
- Warm weather and active clothing for the number of days in your session plus a few extra (sometimes things get dirty or wet, so having a couple extra changes of clothes is helpful)
- Plenty of socks and underwear for the length of your session
- Pajamas
- Swimsuit (you’ll want at least two!)
- White T-shirt for Tie-Dye (also available for purchase at registration)
- Large Bath/Beach Towels–we recommend one towel for showers and one for swimming
- Washcloth or similar scrubbing item for the shower
- Toiletries (Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Shampoo/Conditioner, Soap, Deodorant etc.)
- Extra Contacts (w/solution and containers) or Glasses if needed
- Sunscreen
- Bug Spray
- Reusable Water Bottles
- Sunglasses, Hats, Bandanas
- Closed toed shoes, old pair of tennis shoes, flip flops/sandals (please note that closed toed shoes are required on our ropes course and at other activities)
- Rain Jacket or Poncho
- Flashlight & Batteries
Optional Items:
- Bible
- Book of Common Prayer
- Stuffed Animals
- Books
- Battery powered fan (individual-size is preferred)
- Backpack or small bag
- Paper, Pen, Envelopes, Postcards, Stamps for Letter Writing
- Quiet Activities for Rest Period
- Hammock
Prohibited Items (do NOT pack):
- Electronic Devices (mobile phones, smart phones, smart watches, tablets, laptops, gaming devices etc.)
- Any item that may be considered a weapon (knives, including pocket and/or Swiss Army knives, lighters, fireworks, firearms, matches, etc.)
- Food (snacks, candy, gum, drinks, etc.) This is a health and safety issue, so food is not allowed to be brought by campers to the tent/cabin. Of course, your camper’s specific dietary needs will be accommodated and we will provide plenty of meals and snacks throughout the session.
- Vaping or Tobacco Products
- Alcohol, Drugs, including over-the-counter medications, or any other controlled substance (all medications should be given to the camp nurse at check-in and are to be administered inside the Health Lodge unless directed otherwise by a physician and upon approval of the camp director and/or health care supervisor)
- Any other illegal or unlawful items
- Pets or other animals
- Valuable or Fragile Items (Gravatt is awesome, but don’t bring your valuables!)
- Inappropriate Clothing
We ask that parents/guardians review the items your camper has packed prior to dropping them off at camp. Please understand that if any of these items are found at camp, they will be confiscated immediately, not returned, and if necessary, your child may be sent home.
Cell phones and any other electronic communication device, including smart watches, are not allowed at Camp Gravatt. This is part of our goal of creating an environment where your child can develop independence, confidence, and social awareness. Our staff is trained to create an environment where campers develop close relationships, gain confidence, exercise independence, and grow in their ability to be confident in themselves. We understand that many campers may be used to being connected with friends and family at all hours of the day while they are not at camp, but we also feel that “unplugging” is part of what makes Camp Gravatt so special. These devices prevent us from providing your camper with the true Camp Gravatt experience, so we respectfully ask and require that they remain at home.
We are thankful that most campers and their families understand our reasoning for creating a digital-free environment and respect our request that these devices remain at home. Unfortunately, we have also had instances where campers and/or their parents have hidden cell phones in a child’s belongings. Doing this is against our policy, teaches campers that breaking the rules is acceptable, and creates a level of distrust in the tent/cabin. Please note that possessing a cell phone or any electronic communication device at Camp Gravatt is grounds for immediate dismissal.
Camp Resources
Please contact:
Fletcher Spigner
Summer Camp Director
803.648.1817 ext 1